
Someflu and Tapflo Poland


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SOMEFLU: a historic partner of Nausicaa

© Sophie & Jacques ROUGERIE

SOMEFLU: a historic partner of Nausicaa, Europe’s biggest aquarium

Ever since it opened in Boulogne-sur-Mer in 1991, Nausicaa, the National Sea Center, has continually increased its exhibition space. After the opening of a new extension on 19th May 2018, it becomes the biggest European aquarium. SOMEFLU, a manufacturer of corrosion-resistant centrifugal pumps, has supported the project from the creation of the initial site by fitting out all the site’s water treatment circuits.

A true architectural, aquariological and technical challenge, Nausicaa is opening the doors to its new extension. Of course, SOMEFLU is still providing the aquatic adventure its support. “In order to protect the animals, we work in a closed circuit, comments Stéphane HENARD, aquariology manager within Nausicaa aquarium. SOMEFLU pumps are still our historic choice because of their harmlessness guaranteed by the fact that no metal parts are in contact with the pumped fluid, and their long service life resulting from their design and the quality of their construction and the materials used.” For the Nausicaa aquarium specialists, they meet an important requirement: constance. “We can’t allow ourselves any problems, adds Stéphane HENARD. For the well-being of the animals, water quality must be as stable as possible. And this is the case. The best part: SOMEFLU pumps can run using variable frequency drives. That means we can adjust pump rotation speeds to get the best performances depending on the pools while making 40% energy savings due to the rationalisation of our assets, without any risk to the fish.”


Stephane Henard, Nausicaa © A-Rosenfeld

An extension that goes hand in hand with innovation

The experience gathered over more than 30 years by the Sea Center, now allows its engineers to design long lasting, energy efficient installations that are highly effective in terms of water quality. Thanks to its adoption of this innovating and ecological approach, SOMEFLU was able to take part in the process, supported by its engineering department. “SOMEFLU supported us both in installing the pump speed regulation system and in its data acquisition techniques to control our variable frequency drives, explains Stéphane HENARD. SOMEFLU pumps have a built-in system making it possible to dispense with flow controllers. The data (pump levels, on/off, flow rate, consumption, etc.) is sent directly by the pumps to the BMS (building management system). This simplification of maintenance is a considerable progress through French industrial innovation. That’s also why we are proud at Nausicaa: that our pump manufacturer is French. And to conclude: “I can speak completely freely as Nausicaa is only the site operator. It was Vinci, the project manager through SOGEA CARONI, that selected SOMEFLU.”

You can download the article here.

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