
Someflu and Tapflo Poland


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SUEZ – Wastewater treatment plant optimization

Station d'épuration SUEZ

A successful optimization on wastewater plant !

In the wastewater treatment plant of Nice (South of France), as in most municipalities, the sewage treatment is one of the top priorities. This plant is specialized in the organic waste treatment that requires an odor treatment unit. This is an important process and Nice Haliotis confided in SOMEFLU’s pumps for the plant renovation.

Someflu Pumps, specially designed for this project, not only have the interchangeablity which simplifies the maintenance of the equipment, but also offer a better total cost of ownership.

For Jean Camilla, the maintenance manager of the Nice Haliotis water treatment, this is the perfect solution provided by SOMEFLU : « In 2013, we launched a consultation for the renovation of our equipments. With a hydraulic modeling software, SOMEFLU Engineering department studied our needs and offered us an optimized project for our requirement of pumps. » relates the technician.

“Only one material for different positions in the plant !”

This customized support simplifies the pump maintenance of 6 pumps on each of the 4 deodorization columns. « Earlier, we had 4 different sizes for different flow rates. Now, only the sludge treatment pump is different than the other ones. Having the same pump size on three columns (water, standby, pre-processing), is a real advantage for us », comments Jean Camilla. It means : less motor frames, less fitting accessories and lower inventory of spare parts…, resulting in an easier maintenance. Moreover, all the spares being interchangeable, this simplifies the stock management.

From custom-made up to the proposal

Another point of satisfaction for the treatment plant : the flexibility shown by the pump manufacturer on a commercial point of view : « Regarding the volume of the order, SOMEFLU granted us a staggered payments for the 24 pumps, up to 4 years, maintaining the same sale prices. This was a real asset, regarding this notable investment. To conclude : flexibility, response, availability of the Engineering services and after-sales, which are for me, three key strengths of SOMEFLU. »

You can download the article here.

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